Silver Palate Cereal, Whole Grain, Shredded Wheat 14 oz
Antioxidants. Health Benefits: High tannin antioxidants; whole wheat plus bran; no salt added; no sugar added. Network of smart antioxidants. Over $3.40 in coupon values printed inside carton. New! See side and back panel for nutritional information. Whole Grain: 45 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. Per 1 Cup Serving: 190 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 0 mg sodium (0% DV); 0 g sugars. Can tannin antioxidants help with weight control? I'm proud to offer this new and unique Grain Berry Shredded Wheat with no refined sugar, no salt, whole grain special wheat plus our high tannin sorghum bran we call Heart Grains This special bran enhances the natural fiber content for digestive health plus a network of antioxidants (along with vitamins C and E). What first attracted me to high tannin sorghum was its rich source of antioxidants and bioactive compounds. In addition, the fact that the cattle and chickens who ate it, seemed to not put on much weight I discussed this with a leading university of agriculture and learned that this was well known to both farmers and scientists alike. A human feeding study by this university seems to be confirming it and this important study is being continued. Of course, Grain Berry offers a lot more than high tannin sorghum bran. It contains whole grain wheat (or oats in the case of our Toasted Oats cereals) as well as the special bran that may well help in weight management. What do antioxidants do for you? If you have access to a computer and the internet, I urge you to check the discussion about antioxidants by leading medical institutions and universities. It is well worth your time to learn about the health benefits of antioxidants. Bottom line, antioxidants, and its helper bioactive compounds, fight the attack of these chemicals called free radicals before they can do serious damage and other very bad things. A leading university of public health states unequivocally that ample evidence suggests that a network of various antioxidants from whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains provide protection against many of the scourges of aging. Thank you, friends, for trying our antioxidant Grain Berry foods. We hope you continue to enjoy using them. Grain Berry's Network of Antioxidants: No single antioxidant or bioactive compound can defend against all free radicals. That's why we suggest an eating plan in our website ( to provide a balance of antioxidants. In simple terms, we recommend 3 servings of fruits daily; 3 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of whole grains. Grain Berry goes beyond whole grains with enhanced antioxidants and dietary fiber. - Robert M. Harris, Chairman; Silver Palate Kitchens, Inc. High-Tannin Foods: Tea; walnuts, almonds and nuts with skins; dark chocolate; cinnamon, clove and other spices; pomegranates, grapes and acai berries; quince; red beans. We grow the antioxidants that makes shredded wheat great! - Mr. Glenn Schur, Grain Berry Grower - Plainview, TX. The Story About Grain Berry: Many fine breakfast cereals use whole grains. Some, however, also utilize a high level of refined sugars to enhance taste appeal. Silver Palate, known for elegant food development and preparation, introduced a new line of whole grain reduced-sugar cereals, baking mixes and other grain based foods which we call Grain Berry. Grain Berry went beyond whole grain nutrition and included high tannin sorghum bran in each Grain Berry product in order to enhance natural dietary fiber and the level of natural antioxidants plus bioactive plant food compounds present in phenolic acids. Grain Berry's Simple Shredded Wheat: We chose the shredded wheat format for our newest cereal line in order to provide the benefits of a whole wheat cereal and its health benefits to our customers but, true to our reason for being, we added our special Heart Grains sorghum bran to the whole wheat to continue its simple goodness and yet make it into a distinctive and healthful breakfast food with natural fiber and natural antioxidants. We hope you enjoy our Grain Berry's version of Shredded Wheat - plus antioxidants. For recipes and more visit us at